Class AbstractOutput

  extended bynet.sourceforge.barbecue.output.AbstractOutput
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
EPSOutput, GraphicsOutput, SizingOutput, SVGOutput

public abstract class AbstractOutput
extends java.lang.Object
implements Output

Abstract class of which concrete implementations provide means for outputting barcodes to different output formats.

Ian Bourke

Field Summary
protected  java.awt.Color backgroundColour
          The background colour for drawing
protected  java.awt.Font font
          The font to draw any text labels with.
protected  java.awt.Color foregroundColour
          The foreground colour for drawing
protected  boolean painting
          Flag indicating whether the barcode will actually be outputted, or is just being sized.
protected  double scalar
          The scaling factor to correctly size the barcode in the output units.
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractOutput(java.awt.Font font, boolean painting, double scalar, java.awt.Color foregroundColour, java.awt.Color backgroundColour)
          Populates this abstract outputter with common values.
Method Summary
 void toggleDrawingColor()
          Disables any drawing to the Output.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface net.sourceforge.barbecue.output.Output
beginDraw, drawBar, drawText, endDraw, paintBackground

Field Detail


protected final boolean painting
Flag indicating whether the barcode will actually be outputted, or is just being sized.


protected final double scalar
The scaling factor to correctly size the barcode in the output units.


protected final java.awt.Font font
The font to draw any text labels with.


protected java.awt.Color backgroundColour
The background colour for drawing


protected java.awt.Color foregroundColour
The foreground colour for drawing

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractOutput(java.awt.Font font,
                         boolean painting,
                         double scalar,
                         java.awt.Color foregroundColour,
                         java.awt.Color backgroundColour)
Populates this abstract outputter with common values.

font - The font to draw text labels with
painting - Flag indicating whether painting will actually occur
scalar - The scaling factor to size the barcode into the correct units
foregroundColour - The colour to paint in
backgroundColour - The background colour
Method Detail


public void toggleDrawingColor()
Disables any drawing to the Output. Useful for sizing calculations.

Specified by:
toggleDrawingColor in interface Output

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